Friday, July 21, 2023

Net Worth

 Net worth. What do you think of when that term is used? I recently found myself doing a google search on the net worth of Inky Johnson. I read an article about how Mr. Johnson was a star college athlete. How he was setup to be a first round draft pick - on his way to millions. And how a career ending injury ended that opportunity. The result of my search yielded a top result of $1 million, far lower than most successful NFL players.

Mr. Johnson went on to come an inspirational speaker. He has inspired many, including me. I couldn't name an NFL player (well... maybe Tom Brady) but I know Mr. Johnson because he has spoken to me. I believe his net worth is significantly more than anything a dollar value could represent.

We need to define 'net worth'. It can't simply be dollars and cents. It needs to be measured based on individual character, influence and community impact. A measure of an individual as he defines himself. Someone who inherits a sizeable nest egg, has a large net worth measured under the old definition. But what is their true net worth? What is the net worth of Jeff Bezos versus Mackenzie Scott?